Monday, 17 September 2012

Really good news folks!

Morning all,

I'd prepared myself for a long blog today in the absence of any treatment and was going to give you the next instalment of the Coiners story, but as things have turned out this is going to be very brief, for a VERY good reason.

A little earlier I was lathered up with shaving foam tidying up my beard growth when the consultant popped in for an update chat and some very good news. She told me that my white cell count has improved to a state where my risk of infection has consequently reduced. The other parts of my blood are looking healthy too. This was the first part of my good news.

The best bit was that because they are happy with my progress and the fact that I'm fit and generally well, I'm being allowed to go home for a couple of days. I'm absolutely ecstatic about that and a quick call to Andrea after the consultant had gone was the best phone call I could be making right now.

So my bags are packed, and after a surprise visit from Andrea's brother and my sister in law to deliver a basket of goodies from my nephew Freddie and niece Charlotte, I'm finishing my daily blog off ready to go home later this afternoon with Phil who was also calling to visit today anyway.

I know I have to be sensible whilst I'm at home as I am still at risk, so no work, housework, diy and be sensible about where I go and what I eat. But it will be so good to be back at home for a few days with Andrea and the boys.

I have to report back here on Thursday morning for the next round of chemo treatment and a lumbar puncture which I'm slightly nervous about. In effect this is a needle into the spinal sack a bit like an epidural, which enables the injection of chemo drugs directly into the central nervous system, which is otherwise well protected from the normal method of administering chemo. This ensures that any remnants of anything in my central nervous system which could later come back to affect me are also cleared and gives me the best chance of getting clear.

Don't get me wrong, there is still a very long road ahead and I'm not taking anything for granted by any means, but this is hopefully a good sign that things are headed along the right path and that my determination to fight and beat this monster is justified.

I'll continue the blog until this is over, but tomorrows (all being well) will be from the comfort of my own home.

Thanks as always for reading.


  1. Can almost feel you smiling through the words! How lovely for the boys to come home to dad. Would suggest getting the mop bucket out for max.....boy will he go bonkers.
    So good to see and hear you in such good spirits Steve. Have a lovely evening at home xx

  2. Brilliant news! There's no place like home! Susan

  3. Steve,

    I knew nothing about this, but I picked this blog up by accident in some respects and have got as far as this update. I can only say I am absolutely gutted for you, but equally absolutely full of admiration for the attitiude, positivity and the very obvious love for your family which pours out of your blog. I will keep up to date with your blog (once I have caught up) and can only send you all my best wishes in your battle with this, well without belittling it, lets call it an inconvenience.
    Keep up your spirits and I truly do wish you all the best. The tyke mentality gives you a great start!

    Sean H.


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